Linguistic distribution is often highly sought after because multiple ways of communication are required in today’s global marketplace.
Languages and culture are stimulating business and commerce more than ever. A particular value to employers looking at offshore recruitment options is that overseas staff may be multilingual, and thus meet a specific project criterium.
Linguistic distribution is often highly sought after because multiple ways of communication are required in today’s global marketplace. Most often this is demonstrated by organisations that have web pages and marketing campaigns in two or more languages. While offshoring in Vietnam is often thought of in terms of providing resources such as back-end web design and technology, it is far more than that – marketing, proofreading, editing, and content production are now also established avenues for businesses looking to offshoring as a staffing solution. It is simple to submit a brief and then employ offshore talent to make it into a reality.
Vietnamese offshore staff speak their native language, plus English and some French, Japanese, or Korean. This is recognised by organisations that are looking to increase their global reach by adding another language to their website, production information, or campaign. Vietnam as a country is increasingly recognising the value of multilingualism and its relationship to trade and foreign investment. There is now a universally recognised English level required to enter university in Vietnam, and the commitment is shown in other ways too, for example with top universities including new Bachelor degrees in 2018 majoring in translation, interpretation, and Japanese.
There’s a host of advantages to using offshore staffing for editing, proofreading, and the creation of web content. You simply can’t rely on tools such as google translate when you want results. Translation tools are far off the mark when it comes to non-European languages.
Remote Resources consults with all key stakeholders to find your business objectives, and prepare the best solution. When it comes to websites we will look at the existing content and architecture to ensure we are all ‘on the same page’. We then employ skilled offshore staff who may translate, edit, and proofread to meet your brief and meet your deadline. The end result is a satisfied audience. Clients will know your company is professional because the website content makes a good first impression and it makes sense.
Offshoring is taking off in all types of organisations. It doesn’t matter what industry you are in Remote Resources will have staff to meet your needs. For example, if you want to produce a multi-lingual marketing strategy to extend your reach into Vietnam, then a team can be set up to promote your business or products in the most cost-effective way. This will involve us talking with marketing managers and creatives, as well as senior management to understand your marketing campaign. It’s then possible to get the right staff for the job, such as copywriters and experts in Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). If you plan on a campaign using animation or 3D modelling then offshoring also steps up as a viable option. This will be discussed in more detail in further articles.
Ideally, offshoring in Vietnam will become part of your business strategy, especially when reaching out to new enterprises in the global marketplace.
Marketing, proofreading, editing, and content production are now also established avenues for businesses looking to offshoring as a staffing solution. It is simple to submit a brief and then employ offshore talent to make it into a reality.